Musi Rawas Utara, Sumatera Selatan, INA. 31654


Many thanks due to Allah SWT, The most gracious and most merciful, who has given us an opportunity so we are able to apply our mind and soul for sake of improvement of education. Whatever we have contributed if it is done based on the sincere will, it will produce a great masterpiece for the next generation. Big regard and salute to our great prophet Muhammad SAW (Peace be upon him), who has brought all the mankind to feel the great joy of knowledge no matter what background we have.

Education is a certainty as the nation and country foundation on encountering the evolution of era. It is line with a great utilization of the technology mastery that creates a better condition in the education field. By a conceptual and effective idea, we provide the values of education existed in the goals and objectives of Remban Secondary Public Shool as the guide for ellaborating the true purpose of education.



SMP Negeri Remban benar-benar mengagumkan. Saya sangat senang bisa bergabung serta mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan saya selama menempuh pendidikan di sekolah ini.


SalsabilaSiswa Berprestasi 2021/2022

Bersekolah di SMPN Remban dapat membantu saya dalam mempersiapkan diri saya untuk menggapai cita-cita di masa yang akan datang.


M PadlanSiswa Berprestasi 2021/2022


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